Team Mummification

By English Andrew

If I had thought it through properly then I might have known there was a serious danger that I might end up mummified after I agreed to accompany my partner, the English dominatrix Miss Miranda, to visit our friends from Serious Bondage in San Francisco. What I could not have known, however, was how very securely they could wrap me when they all put their collective kinky minds to work as a team. It was an intense and lengthy mummification session, with roll after roll after roll of film and packing tape being used to turn me into a tightly-bound, and very happy, guy immovably fixed and buried deep under layer after layer of plastic, all stretched tight around body-shaped frame in the open air.

The day had been chilly in San Francisco but the first few rolls of stretch film wrapped round both me and the frame soon warmed me up nicely. I had willingly volunteered to experience my first taste of mummification in order that Miss Miranda could learn more of the correct mummification technique from the experts at Serious Bondage. With the cameras rolling to record the entire event for posterity, the beautiful Miranda set about her task with gusto. She began slowly, wrapping each of my hands in turn and then each of my feet, to ensure a perfectly symmetrical start to her first mummification efforts. With some expert guidance, Miranda took to the process like a duck to water. Soon my naked body was disappearing fast under a green film covering that gripped me tighter and tighter in a loving embrace. Being kind to my novice-mummification status, Miranda left my head till last, as I saw my arms and legs rapidly disappearing under a sea of green wrapping. Then I felt the bondage helmet slipped over my face and the darkness of complete mummification descended upon me for the first time.

Utterly helpless and with my head now tightly wrapped apart from a carefully maintained air opening, I could feel myself relaxing and enjoying the experience more with every passing second. Through the tape I could hear Miranda and the Serious Bondage team debating which colour material should form the next layer around my body. As I later learned when I saw the pictures, they settled on a metallic grey duct tape that I could feel, but never see, binding me more and more tightly with each pass around my body. The intense bandaging grip slowly sent me over the edge into my own personal ‘sub-space’ and I was suffused with gratitude to my lovely partner for having introduced me to the delights of such extreme bondage as this.

The end result took a lot longer to achieve, leaving me to enjoy the sensations for as long as I would have wished. From the outside, the grey metal finish resembled a giant suit of armour, with an artistically created band of red around my groin like a pair of superman pants. It was a little touch that Miranda was especially proud of. Her first mummification successfully completed with me as he happy volunteer. The first, I hope, of many more similar experiences to come. ~English Andrew

Visit Miss Miranda’s website: The BDSM Laboratory.

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